Why fit in when you were born to stand out gay pride shirts

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Anyone who disagrees with this ,needs to open a book on biology, this is fact. No one chooses their gender or sexual orientation. I often look at an action and ask myself, what would our world be like if everyone did this? Why does god not accept gay people? According to the bible, god created everyone. His laws are for our good, Following them makes for a better world. We choose good or we choose evil, and in so doing create our own heaven or hell. God did not created bad people, people are the ones who prefer to be bad due to circumstances.Everyone knows that God gave us the free will,to chose the right path or not.God does not send people to hell because salvation is in our hands hence our bad attitudes cost us to hell & good deeds cost us to heaven. Seuss why fit in when you were born to stand out hippie shirt and I will buy this basis of what His self-proclaimed terrestrial humanoid spokespersons say or do is a greater affront to any God than not attending worship sessions, not going on pilgrimage, not observing weekly rest-days, or not chanting His thousand name. To presume and propagate what God does or doesn’t do on the Dr.

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